Sugar Derivatives and "No Sugar" Claims

Sugar Derivatives and "No Sugar" Claims in Drinks

Take or leave it, very few of us get through the day without adding sugar to our diets, consuming sweetened drinks and foods. Food producers are so addicted to the sugar strategy in appealing to consumer preferences. Guess what, its works.

The crave for sweetness in foods and drinks from the populace has been so endemic as kids and adult alike are fast becoming sugar addicts. Sugar and its derivatives is part of our food supply so much that one out of every eleven Nigerians is diabetic

Study shows that "added sugar" is 11 times more potent at causing diabetes than general calories. ''An analysis of 175 countries over the past decade, a reseaarch led by Robert Lustig, professor of paediatric endocrinology at University of California, San Francisco, author of "Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar," showed that when you look for the cause of type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes, the total number of calories consume is irrelevant. It’s the specific calories that count. When people ate 150 calories more every day, the rate of diabetes went up 0.1 per cent. But if those 150 calories came from a can of soda drinks, the rate went up 1.1 per cent.

This is so because monosaccharides, the simplest forms of sugar, the building blocks of all carbohydrates are not metabolised equally.

Basically, table sugar is made up of equal molecules of fructose and glucose, both monosaccharides, is not metabolised in the same way that a carbohydrate is, due to fructose molecule.

Fructose is the reason why we overeat for its fool the brain into thinking we need more.
Moreover, excess fructose cannot be converted into energy by the mitochondria inside our cells, hence turn excess fructose into liver fat, initiating insulin resistance which leads to chronic metabolic disease, including diabetes and heart disease.”

Fructose is described as “fruit sugar”. It’s the sugar found in fruits. Percentage of fruit sugar in nature is beneficial to human due to the metabolic process of the plant unlike other sources of fructose like corn syrup, HFCS or maple syrup, which contain a higher percentage of fructose than fruit, especially if they have been processed.

Sugar is not totally evil afterall. It functions in improving flavour and texture in food.

Food business owners have employed more clever ways in sweetening their products so as to get us hook as sugar addict, knowing we will always crave for more of this glycemic blood sugar in day to day commercial foods. Here are some of the lists or derivatives of sugar found in foods and drinks in Nigeria

Fruit Concentrates; Apple, Peach, Apple etc







Fruit Syrup; Orange, Apple, Strwberry

High Fructose Corn Syrup, HFCS



Malt Sugar


I found out that the sugar content in most of the sugar derivatives including liquid flavour enhancer is huge while using refractometer to determine their brix level.

So before you go for "No Sugar"  drinks, you have to turn to label detective – and find them.


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