Common Personal Hygiene We Break Everybody

Common Personal Hygiene Rule We Break Everyday

The standards of hygiene, cleanliness and habits of staying free from sickness are not grievous. It entails being a little bit meticulous.
It is no more a speculation that medicals is gradually becoming a choice candidate of our meager budget as its find way into list of disposable income such as utilities bill, school fees, house rent etc.
Negligence to personal hygiene can cost us our well being, affect productivity and worst still attract grave consequences that might be difficult to trace. Few of the common hygiene we seldom observe are;

As a general rule of thumb, the bathroom and toilet is a one stop segment of a building where all necessary toiletries  design for freshening up oneself are kept inclusive of sensitive tools like toothbrush. Sensitive for its role into opening into the body.
You don't need to be a genius to know that the either the bathroom or toilet is a proliferating zone for germs. It is probably the most contaminated and least ventilated parts of an apartment. Keeping your brush within this space means flooding it inherently with germs

Advice; Keep your toothbrush away from the toilet

Whether you are tech savvy or not, virtually everyone connects often with phones as this as become part of us  irrespective of class. Cell phones and related gadgets house a lot of ubiquitous microorganisms. Put mildly, our phones and computers are one of the most heavily laden carriers of germs we always forget in a hurry.
You should wash your hands after retiring from the usage of phones, computers and the likes

Advice; Wash your hand cautiously or employ defense mechanism whenever it relates to your food and phone


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