Aspartame, Often in the Mix with AK Sugar in Foods and Drinks

Aspartame, often in the Mix with AK Sugar in Drinks and Foods

Imagine been trick to consume what you are allergen to, having taking the pain to read through the label? This is part of the ordeal consumers in developing nations of the world go through daily, making it difficult to trace sources of food poisoning.

 I am perturbed that the luxury of food poisoning lawsuit, food safety whistle blower and hygiene rating scheme enjoy by other clans is not experience over here. Food fraud perpetrators are leveraging on this loopholes to drag many into the poverty nets as they smile to the banks while consumers battle with diverse ailments with their meager salary.
One of the worrisome debate of aspartame from both sides of the divide is not the interesting side of the story here but use of this artificial sweetners and the like without declaration on the label and worse still its usage on kiddies food products is the bone of contention here.

In spite of the outcry against this "sweetkiller" projecting to induce over ninety kinds of non communicable diseases as against its proponents claim who have continuously advance the unattainable consumption of Acceptable Daily Intake, ADI, by consumers let alone exceeding it.

ADI, is the recommended daily intake of food additive, chemical, that appear to be without appreciable health risk during an entire lifetime.

Standards for aspartame are closely monitored by regulators, activists and nutritionists around the world as research that may possibly linking the sweetners to cancer at its recommended ADI for European Union (40mg/kg) and FDA (50mg/kg) continues

The apex regulatory bodies, CAC, JECFA have mandated a sets of standards that empower the public, in respect to food allergen and intolerance by easily checking the labels of foods, or drinks, before buying or eating. For instance, Aspartame must be listed on the ingredient list if presence with corresponding warning that read; "phenylketonurics, contains phenylalanine" or source of phenylalanine

Likewise, NAFDAC in her non nutritive sweetners (Aspartame) in food products regulation specified clearly

The Prohibition of Use of Aspartame

Conditions for Use of Aspartame

The Declaration on Labels

With my experience in food and beverages, pharmaceutical and medicals, while functioning as a quality assurance, quality control, laboratory analyst, post marketing survelliance and other related sales and operation positions I had witnessed first hand food fraud perpetrated across board. Prevalence among such fraudulent act is the declaration of "Acesulfame Potassium Sugar, AK Sugar" on ingredient list without the other.

AK Sugar is non nutritive sweetners that has enjoy mild criticism compare to other in its categories like aspartame, saccharin, sucralose etc.
It is 200 times sweeter than sugar just like aspartame and has a characteristic "after bitter taste". For this reason, it is more often use with aspartame to give a sugar like taste in foods and drinks so as to appeal to consumers' preference
Aspartame is a common artificial sweetners that comes with the brand name NutraSweet, VitaSweet. It is popularly called Sweetkiller. It can be detected in foods and be verifiable in the laboratory (non medical) across the States or with the help of a public analyst. Few of the adverse and side effects associated with aspartame as claimed are

Decreased Night Vision
Marked Hearing Impairment
Headache, migraine, dizziness

Insomia, Abdominal Pain, Nausea
High Blood Pressure
Loss of Control of Diabetes
Menstrual Changes

Whenever AK sugar is declared on ingredient list, search if aspartame is inclusive. If not, further probe for warning statement, if absence many unscrupulous habits could have find their way into production of such products. For instance, violations of HACCP, GMP, adulteration etc


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